Monday, September 7, 2009

Week 2.. In Review....

So this past week had its ups and downs, its lessons learned and lessons taught.
Highlights of my second week include....

*meeting with the jr high team about a few students of concern and creating an intervention for them.

*going to our first football game and it being rained out...we drove 2 hrs to play and waited an extra 2 for the rain and lightning to go away... when we decided to call it i made the announcement... my athletes were naturally down... then i said "since you guys have worked hard we will stop at whataburger on our way back." "YESS!!!" they didnt think of the game again....

*having to split the first grade class into two and telling 2 teachers they were going to have to teach an extra class...and the next day telling them nevermind...

*disciplined a few kids, gave a detention here and there...

*meeting with the sup about walk throughs and what to look for....

*starting to plan my spanish parent meeting on september 16th...

*driving a bus route full of elementary kids without knowing where to go.....

* creating a pep rally skit and finding teachers to buy into it.......

* finishing up the bulletin board i wanted to do for teachers....

* driving my car to work one day and a teacher running to the football field telling me that someone had keyed it....

* not having refs for some of our games...

* buying equipment at academy....

* looking for collaboration from the HS our kids go to...

* "Mistah H, my mom got us a babysitter last night, but we did not sit."

* Special Ed ARDS..... Spanish Interpreters Training...

*Starting my ILD Training...

I will give more detail on all soon..... I love my job... :)

1 comment:

  1. Someone shared this blogspot with me. I read all your postings.
    First, felicidades. Secondly, you are already a hero believe it or not. Why? Because you chose to take on this task. Students need someone like you that cares enough to want to make a difference. Often students don't get enough encouragement and support at home due to a variety of reasons. They need to be inspired and motivated.
    Words of advice...get to know them individually. Difficult but not impossible.
    Win their trust including their parents. Each one has a special gift that they haven't tapped into. Help them believe in their potential. That will happen in time. Every single one of them are important.
    The ones that are regularly sent to your office for discipline or guidance need you the most.
    Food for thought. What changes did you wish to see when you were that age? Who were your mentors? What memories can you bring to mind that can help you relate to these students?
    Just remember within your school there might be a future Latino President, Noble Peace Prize Recipient, Medical Scientist with a cure, Teacher, Inventor, Engineer, World Renown Surgeon and etc.
    Years down the road you will be thanked by the students, their parents and most importantly you will know without a doubt that it was all worth it.
    Keep your heart open and have faith in what you were destined to do.
    Thank you for sharing your experiences as Principle as we read its ups and downs through your perspective.

