Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A New Phase... Starting the Change

Its about midnight at the end of July...... In the midst of packing, looking for a new place to live in a new city, and figuring out what else I need to do.... I had the crazy thought of starting a blog about my transition in education.... from student to teacher and from teacher to principal. Yesterday I was offered my first Assistant Principal position in a small district in Texas. I accepted it, but havent resigned my current position as a Spanish teacher and coach until I sign an actual contract. The way to where I am hasnt been an easy one.... lets start off backwards and rewind to about 3 months ago.....

About 3 months ago I was finishing up my Masters in Educational Leadership from Texas State University. I have been working on it for 2 years and its been quite the ride. Lots and lots of research and writing.... I met some great people that I will be able to network with in the coming years... As the school year was finishing I started applying for jobs all over..... I am 26 and want to be a Principal by 30 or so, so I was willing to relocate and go anywhere. I feel that kids all over need good leadership and people that care about them... i do and know that I can make a difference in their lives and will try my best to motivate and encourage all to do the same.

Anywho, to make a long long story short, I had a total of 7 interviews, some back to back in cities 3-5 hours apart. I was a finalist in a few of them but did'nt get selected because of "experience." When the principals would call they had nothing but great things to say about me, but that they went with someone that had been around a while. The constant interviews (auditions) were draining!! Ultimately I was called to interview in a small district who wanted someone who (1) Had or was finishing up their Administrative degree (2) Could coach (3) Could drive a bus, and (4) Could speak Spanish...... I interviewed and was called back as a finalist for a second interview.... I got the job....

So now I am moving from beautiful Austin, Texas and will begin to implement everything I have been daydreaming about for years now.... I have so many innovative ideas I want to put into place... I will log many of my thoughts and actions to keep track of the progress, the realities, the funnies, the sads, the angries, and most importantly the growth I will have with my experience....

Tomorrow I will go to the school that I've been teaching for 4 years (the only school ive been at besides student teaching) and pick up some of my stuff... amongst all that is the most special item; a hammock so beaten up by 8th graders that its barely standing...

Stay Updated... I assure you that the education setting will bring the best stories... from a pre-k student saying the cutest thing to a group of rowdy parents wanting power to the student who has overcome so much... I will share everything I see and feel......

Back to Packing...

Things to do:
1. Find a place to live on craigslist
2. Rent out my condo
3. Write an email to my staff at HB saying bye
4. Help my principal fill the position im leaving
5. Finish this list..... im out for now...

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