Thursday, August 13, 2009

Week in Review... First Week of Inservice

Well, it has been a very interesting and fun week. Last tuesday I moved into my new place in Sugar Land. It is a 2 story house with 3 bedrooms and a living room upstairs and the master bedroom downstairs. My roomate, Mike, is a cool guy. He is a Navy Reserve officer and does marketing and sales for a company out here.
My wonderful family (mom, dad, brother, and cousin) drove up to Austin on Monday August third and helped me pack all my stuff in my condo. (which i did rent to someone.... they are already living there so i hope it turns out well) My brother had an infection in his arm so we went to Brackenridge Hospital to get him checked out. After being around 4 hours in the ER he came out with a big cut and a band around his arm. My last night in Austin in the ER.... it was quite interesting. Sooo many different people, all with different stories.... The diversity in the waiting room was crazy. The ER is a pretty slow process.... I wish they had a better system..... there were people in PAIN... some looked like they were about to fall over... Anyways, i think those observations are a whole other story.... back to my place now...
We finished packing the uhaul which was huge since the guy offered me 100 bux off for taking it off his lot.... DEAL. The next morning we woke up and finished everything else.... we cleaned, and cleaned, and cleaned, and headed off to my new life.... Adios Austin, Hola Houston....
I reflected alot during the 3 hr drive.. I was in my 72 Cutlass since it has no AC and I didnt want my dad driving in the heat... .my mom drove my volvo, my cousin my parents truck (which was also loaded) and my dad the UHAUL.... we were a 4 car caravan...... We stopped to eat at an awesome barbque place on 71....after that we kept going and got to my new place at around 3PM. As we are pulling into the neighborhood, my roommate is driving behind us.... coincidence, right? lol We started moving everything off and it took us a few hours to get done. Nonetheless, we finished, showered, ordered some pizza, and went to sleep. The next morning my parents left and I headed over to my new job.... Assistant Principal and Athletic Director....

I arrive and my office is ready. It is a small, humble office, but i love it. I got a nice chair for me, 3 visitors chairs, a printer, and an awesome bookcase... its looking sharp. I will be spending lots of time there trying to change the world.... starting with this small town. The superintendent and office ladies are wonderful. I am like a baby absorbing vasts amounts of knowledge of the education world. The earliest I've been home in 2 weeks is about 9. I love it though.... So far here are what I will be doing for the school...

* Discipline
* Testing Coordination
* Team Meetings
* Special Education Meetings
* Present different things to the School Board
* Communication Director
* Look at Teachers Lesson Plans
* and everything that has to do with Athletics...

Doesnt that sound fun? I love it..... ohh, last week i had my CDL bus driver training and it took me 2 hrs to get to the place..... i went to 1506 bissonet and it was at 15706 bissonet... Rookie!

This week i have gotten ahead on alot of things..... today we had a teacher barbque and it was a great success. I cooked and everyone loved it, especially the jalapenos i made.... with cream cheese and bacon. When we got everyone together I introduced myself officially and let everyone know how excited I was to be where i was. New city, new life.... same goals and dreams. Being idealistic can have its critics in big cities, but in a small one i really think you can make a big difference with the changes you make. I will really try my best to transform that school into one who has pride, enthusiasm, cutting edge teaching styles, culturally knowledgable, and the many elements that will make students successful. It will be interesting how teachers respond to the changes.......

On a personal life note, me and my girl have been together a year. This last weekend I went home to spend time with her. It was a great time..... She is really something special. I gave her a diamond necklace... a diamond! Can you tell im into her? Its the first ive ever given.... :) hope it doesnt jinx us...

Well tomorrow is the first day for teachers..... we have CPR training and teachers will work in their rooms... I think im going to stop by each and talk to them individually giving them a heads up of the changes that way they dont get it all at once on monday and freak out. I have sooooo many ideas.... Im even going to try to help get funding for a new building. The school its at its fullest capacity right now.....

Ok... im out.. i could write all spellchek, no grammar check, just me typing away.... we'll see how this blog develops.... Will be back soon.....

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