Sunday, August 2, 2009

Just a See You Later... Not a goodbye...

The past few days have been pretty good.. I did my last real estate work by helping a family from Monterrey find a place to live.... during that time the guys that was going to rent my place texted me and said that he had a setback and was not going to anymore... i was bummed since i told many that were interested that it was already rented.... the guy called back yesterday and asked if it was still available... it was and he got it... lets hope hes a good tennant.... I also got a new place... Ill be living in a pretty cool house in Sugarland... A guy posted on Craigslist that he was looking for a roommate to share his huge house.... I called him and we traded facebooks... apparently he had had a few weirdos check out the place and he was holding out till i went to see it... i was reluctant due to the distance from my school, but after the meeting with the school board and superintendent i had in the morning i timed it.. it was about 30 minutes which is not bad at all..... I arrived at the house and it was nice, surrounded by many other niiice houses.... after checking it out I decided thats what I wanted and that i didnt have to go see anything else... theres a lifetime fitness down the road, its close to DT houston (which i probably will never go to) and has tons of shoppping and restaurants..... i couldve lived in a small town close to my job, but naaa.... ill work rural, live city..... I paid him the first month and now im here in Austin packing and waiting ... my parents are coming up tomorrow to help me with the move...
The Board Meeting.... I was offered the job by the Superintendent based on a unanimous selection by the site based team that interviewed me (teachers, parents) The hire was contingent upon the school board approving it. The meeting was on Saturday morning.... I arrived an hour early and the Sup was already there... we took a tour around the school and he showed me my office...its small but cozy.... after that we sat down in his office and talked business... i have 1000 things to do by the first day of school which is the 24th.... The board members walked in one by one and I stood up and introduced myself as they came in... i knew they were secretly thinking, "who is this young guy they selected." Once the meeting begun the first order of business was me.... The superintendent talked about the hiring process... how they interviewed 15 applicants and asked 3 to come back for a second interview... he talked about how i did and how much the teachers liked me.... then he asked me to talk about myself.... I gave them the typical bio.. they then proceeded to ask me tons of questions ranging from, "you seem to be great with minorities and will do wonders with them, but what about the GT kids.... to ARE YOU A SMALL TOWN GUY OR A BIG CITY SLICKER?" One guy, the fire chief of the town, slammed his hand to the table and said, "i like what i hear." They then asked me to step out while they talked.... and talked...and talked... it took them about an hour.... when I came back they made a motion to hire me and i was unanimosly hired....... my life as an Assistant Principal has officially begun....

- rented a new place in Sugarland..
-rented out my place in austin
- gonna go have dinner and bowl with my austin coworkers/friends
-parents coming in tomorrow to help me move... might bring my little brother and cousin to help out...
- will help HB hire a new Spanish teacher tomorrow...
- Try to get as much info from the AP's I know...

Stay tuned......

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